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  4. How to update NPPES information

How to update NPPES information

While reviewing your National Provider Identifier (NPI) number, we discovered that the information on file for you does not match your current information. Please update that information as soon as possible, so that all of your information matches on the government level.

Please click HERE to update your information and follow the steps below:

On the Homepage of the NPPES website, enter your User ID and password.

  1.  Select the “Magnifying Glass” ICON to View the desired NPI application.
  2.  Select the “Pencil” ICON to Edit the desired NPI application
  3.  Access the page that contains the information to be updated by selecting the ‘Next’ button located at the bottom of each page or by selecting the desired page from the left-hand navigation bar.
  4.  Update the necessary information.
  5.  Once all desired information is updated navigate to the Submission page.
  6.  Check the Certification Statement box at the bottom of this page.
  7.  Select Submit. This button will not be enabled until you check the Certification Statement box at the bottom of this page.

Note: If you forgot your User ID and /or Password click on Forgot User ID or password to reset your username or password.

  1. Select Forgot User ID or Password
  2. Click OK, then click Accept
  3. Select Retrieve Forgotten User ID
  4. Enter the last 4 digits of your SSN, DOB, first and last name, personal phone number, and home zip code (do not enter your email address, if an old/inactive email was originally used when signed up, the email will go there)
  5. Click Continue
  6. Your User ID will be displayed, make a note of it as it will not be shown past this page
  7. Click Reset Password
  8. On the NPPES site enter in User ID and new password to log in.

If you continue to have issues accessing your NPI(s), contact the NPI Enumerator at the telephone number listed below for further assistance. Please be aware that there are privacy guidelines that govern to whom the NPI Enumerator can disclose information.

Contact NPI Enumerator 

By Phone:

1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free)

1-800-692-2326 (NPI TTY for the deaf, hard of hearing or those with speech difficulties)

By Email: customerservice@npienumerator.com

Updated on July 3, 2024

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