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  4. How to write a Custom Prescription using the Additional Sig

How to write a Custom Prescription using the Additional Sig

The Additional Sig field is where custom instructions or pre-meds can be added for the patient. These instructions will print on the label of the bottle.

1. Enter the drug name in the search field and click blue Drug Search button.

2. Select the desired drug, strength and form to fill in the digital prescription pad.

3. Select the “Add’l Sig” option from the quantity and frequency menus. If needed adjust Form and Route.

4. Enter the custom message under the Additional Sig field at the bottom of the prescription pad.

Additional Sig Quick Tip:
Add additional instructions to label.

Example: Take until gone

Re-write a Prescription for Premeds or Custom Prescriptions.

Example: Take 4 caps 1 hr prior to dental appointment

Note: the “Additional Sig” field has a character limit of 140, abbreviate text as much as possible.

5. Enter the dispense quantity and select any additional information needed.

6. Select the blue Prescribe button located on the upper right hand side.

Updated on January 10, 2025

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