What is error #79 “Invalid Participant Identification”?
Each RTBC needs a doctor of record with an NPI in your practice management system patient summary in order to retrieve digital verification. That field is mirrored in iCoreVerify in the patient summary, under Preferred Provider. See the image below.
You may also receive this error if you have a fictitious name in that Preferred Provider slot in your practice management system, such as, “Dr. Smile”, or “Temp Doctor”. To remedy this error, place a doctor of record in the coordinating slot in your PMS.

What is error #41 “Authorization Restricted”?
This error lets you know that the patient has signed a restriction for sharing digital health information with their insurance carrier. This is very common for public safety officers, military personnel, judges, teachers, attorneys, and victims of domestic violence who choose to restrict their personal information from being shared digitally. This is not an error which you can ‘remedy’. This is a permanent selection by your patient.
Learn More Here About Protected Persons
It can appear as:
- Reason: Authorization Access Restrictions
- #41: Authorization Restricted

Can I Determine Fee Schedules in a RTBC?
Fee Schedules are typically not provided by carriers verbatim. However, by looking at the Coverage Type section, it may be clear to you based on the templates for various groups which you already have in your Practice Management System insurance suite.
Examples below: When you see a clear distinction in the Coverage Type and it matches what you have in your templates.