Managing Drug Set/Compound List

This article will cover:

How to Create a Drug Set:

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button

2. Click Build Drug Set/Compound List link

3. Click Add Additional Drug Set

4. Enter a Drug Set Name and click Add Drug Set

5. Click Select next to the Drug Set

6. Click the Select Drug button under the drug sets

7. Enter a drug name and click Search

8. Select the desired Drug from the Search Results

9. Fill out the Digital Prescription Pad

10. Click Save Rx,then click Select Drug to add the next drug

11. Enter the drug name and click Search

12. Select the Drug from the Search Results

13. Fill out the Digital Prescription Pad, then click Save Rx

Repeat from step 10 until all desired prescriptions are included in the Drug Set.

14. When the set is finished, click the Save button in the bottom right

The drug set is now saved and you will be able to select it from your drug set list.

How to Create a Drug Compound:

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button

2. Click the Build Drug Set/Compound List link

3. Click Add Additional Drug Set

4. Enter the Drug Set Name and click Add Drug Set

5. Click the blue Select link next to the Drug Set Name

6. Click Create Free Form Compound Drug

7. Enter the medication in the Ingredients field

8. Enter the instructions in Additional Sig

9. Enter the Numeric Dispense and select the Unit of Measure

10. Click Save

The new compound will be listed in the Drug Sets/Compounds list

How to Select Drugs from a Drug Set

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button

2. Click the Drug Set’s Select link

3. Choose the drugs being prescribed by either:

Selecting the Checkbox next to the drugs and clicking Prescribe

Click Prescribe All to include Every Drug Listed

The Selected Drugs will Appear in the Pending Rx List.

How to Add a Drug to an Existing Drug Set

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button.

2. Click Build Drug Set/Compound List

3. Click the Select next to the Drug Set

4. Either Select a Drug or Create a Free-Form Compound Drug

After saving, the new drug will appear in the Drug Set.

How to Remove a Drug from the Drug Set/Compound List

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button.

2. Click Build Drug Set/Compound List

3. Click the Select link next to the Drug Set

4. Click the Drug’s Checkbox on the right

5. Click the Delete Selected button

The drug has now been removed from the set.

How to Delete a Drug Set

1. Click the Drug Sets/Compounds button.

2. Click Build Drug Set/Compound List

3. Click the Drug Set’s Checkbox on the right

4. Click the Delete from List button

The Drug Set has been deleted and no longer appears in the Set/Compound List.

Updated on July 8, 2024

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