Below are a few less frequently asked questions that may arise and how to troubleshoot them.
iCorePay: Payment Made Under Wrong Patient
Q: “I took a payment under the wrong patient, can I move the payment?”
A: “No, that would be fraudulent activity. Instead, you must refund the original charge and then charge it again under the correct patient.”
Learn how to refund a payment in this article.
iCorePay: Invoice Displayed as Allocated and Not as a Payment
Q: “Why is this invoice showing as “allocated” and not showing as a payment? Patient said they paid but it’s still showing incomplete. Why don’t I see this payment in transactions?”
A: This issues happens when the user added a payment method for either the full amount or partial amount, but never submitted the invoice for the payment. Simply “Submit the Payment” to remedy.

Refer to this article on how to submit a payment.