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How to Stage a Prescription for the Doctor
- Staff First Time Logging In
- Staging a Prescription for the Doctor to Review/Transmit
- Adding a Patient’s Pharmacy
- Doctor’s Only Tasks
Staff First Time Logging In
1. Login to your iCoreRx site.
Click Fully Integrated (Eaglesoft, Dentrix and Open Dental) to see how.
Click Semi Integrated (Standalone) to see how.
2. Select the Patient you wish to prescribe for.
Click Fully Integrated (Eaglesoft, Dentrix and Open Dental) to see how.
Click Semi Integrated (Standalone) to see how.
3. Navigate to the Med Entry tab.
4. Click the drop-down arrow next to doctor in the upper right hand side of the screen to select the doctor you will be staging for.
You are now ready to Stage a Prescription for the Doctor you selected.
Quick Tip: |
If you are at a Practice with Multiple Doctors, you will need to change the Doctor you are prescribing for. |
Stage a Prescription for the Doctor to Review/Transmit
Option 1. Select a medication from Favorites (has SIG written).
- Click Favorites and choose a saved medication and sig, by clicking the blue hyperlink.
Option 2. Search by Drug Name.
- Type in a Drug Name and click Drug Search.
- Choose the Drug and Form from the results list, by clicking the blue hyperlink.
3. Click EDIT across from the Drug Name.
- Fill out the Digital Prescription Pad.
4. Select Add to Favorites to add the adjusted prescription to the Doctor’s (Favorites) List.
5. Click Queue Rx to leave the Drug in a pending status for the Doctor to review and transmit.
Adding a Patient’s Pharmacy
1. Select the drop-down arrow next to Pharmacy.
2. Click Add Pharmacy.
3. Select a Pharmacy from the Location List for any pharmacies already entered into your system or use the search boxes.
- Use the Search boxes to locate any Pharmacy in the USA. Enter pharmacy details into the corresponding fields.
- Click the Search button on the left.
Quick Tip: |
Search by the pharmacy’s name and zip code or phone number |
4. Click the Select button next to the Pharmacy you wish to use.
5. The pharmacy is now Saved for that patient. You will now see the Pharmacy is listed on the Med Entry page.
Doctor’s Only Tasks
When the Doctor logs in, they can address Messages from the Pharmacy, view Pending and Failed Prescriptions by accessing the specific Patient’s Profile.
Quick Tip: |
You can Filter Results by Select Location, Select Prescriber and by Patient Search. |
Doctor’s View of Messages from a Pharmacy
1. To view Messages from Pharmacy, the Doctor will need to select a patient and navigate to the Compose Rx page.
2. Click on Tasks in the upper right-hand corner next to their name.
3. Messages from the Pharmacy will be displayed below as:
Pharmacy Renewal Requests, you will be able to:
- Approve Renewal Request
- Deny Renewal Request
- Replace Renewal Request
Pharmacy Change Requests, you will be able to:
- Approve Change Request
- Deny Change Request
- Replace Change Request
Doctor’s View of Pending Prescriptions
1. To view what is pending, the Doctor will need to select a patient and navigate to the Compose Rx page.
2. Click on Tasks in the upper right-hand corner next to their name.
3. A list of patients with Unsent Prescriptions will be displayed below.
4. To transmit prescriptions, return to the Patient List and select the specific Patient’s Profile; Repeat for each Patient.
Doctor’s View of Failed Prescriptions
1. To view Failed prescriptions, the Doctor will need to select a patient and navigate to the Compose Rx page.
2. Click on Tasks in the upper right-hand corner next to their name.
3. A list of patients with Failed Prescriptions will be displayed below.
4. From here, you can resend or cancel a prescription, report a prescription as missing, or request prior authorization.
Quick Tip: |
You can also delete a failed notification from the Task page. Deleted prescriptions are removed from the Tasks page but remain on the active medications list. |
Review of Common Staff Functions
- Manage Your Patient & Location (Favorites) Pharmacy List
- Run Prescriber Reports
- Managing a Patients Active Medications
- Managing a Patient’s Allergies